Burnside Village

Burnside Village

Burnside Village

Adelaide, SA

Development management including master planning, feasibility, design, construction, procurement, and leasing

Burnside Village is South Australia’s top-performing boutique shopping centre. In 2016 The Cohen Group engaged Titanium to develop a masterplan, considering the physical characteristics of the site, zoning and planning controls as well as customer demographics, traffic flow and retailer requirements. We had to balance client and community needs, whilst providing flexibility for staging of future developments.

The 50,000 sqm masterplan was approved in 2018 for a 10-year period and provides the opportunity to integrate existing sections of the centre, expand the retail offer and activate passive space progressively through a $200M stage 6, and a $150M stage 7 redevelopment as consumer and retailer demand grows for this iconic centre.

Master planned retail redevelopment and expansion of a premier shopping destination



20,000 sqm


new shops


master plan